Our stores

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Store Addresses

H057 Sergeli 6A
H057 Sergeli 6A Address: Sergeli tumani, Sergeli 6А dahasi Working Hours: 08:00-22:00 Tel: +998(71) 205-95-95 Show on the map
H056 Mirzo Ulug‘bek (Mahalla markazi)
H056 Mirzo Ulug‘bek (Mahalla markazi) Address: Mirzo Ulug‘bek tumani, Yalong‘och dahasi, 119A-uy Working Hours: 08:00-22:00 Tel: +998712059595 Show on the map
H055 Chilonzor (Сhorbog‘)
H055 Chilonzor (Сhorbog‘) Address: Chilonzor tumani, Chorbog‘ 3-tor ko‘chasi, 2-uy Working Hours: 08:00-22:00 Tel: +998(71) 205-95-95 Show on the map
Zangiota Address: Toshkent viloyati, Toshkent tumani, Qizg‘aldoq qo‘rg‘oni, A.Navoiy MFY, Ravnaq ko‘chasi, 1A-uy Working Hours: 08:00-22:00 Tel: +998712059595 Show on the map
H053 Hasanboy (post) Address: Zangiota tumani, Hasanboy MFY, Yuqori Hasanboy ko‘chasi (Hasanboy markaziy Paynet) Working Hours: 08:00-22:00 Tel: +998712059595 Show on the map
H006 Yunusobod (Sayram)
H006 Yunusobod (Sayram) Address: Yunusobod tumani, Yunusota ko‘chasi (12 poliklinika ro‘parasida) Working Hours: 08:00-22:00 Tel: +998712059595 Show on the map

Do you have any questions?

Give us a call +998(71)205-95-95

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